Since you may have put great thought and spent your hard-earned money to buy your car, it is important that you maintain it from time to time, and make sure that the tyres don’t become worn out or flat. Before buying tyres online, you need to keep some important things in mind to make sure that you not only get a good deal, but also buy the right tyre for your vehicle.
Follow recommendations
While shopping for tyres, it is essential that you follow the car manufacturer’s recommendations as to which types of tyre will best suit your car. When looking for options online, you will find tyres with various specifications that are suitable for particular types or brands of cars. You can even consult a professional about what kind of tyre you need to buy.
Other factors you must consider while buying tyres include getting all the specifications right. You might find this information from your car user manual or the sides of the tyre. Make note of details like, the radial designation, tread wear, load index, ply construction, traction settings, tyre width, vehicle application, speed rating, pressure, load limits, wheel diameter, etc.
Features you should consider
When buying tyres online it is vital to look for features such as durability, safety, and comfort. Do not buy cheap imitations and avoid buying worn out products, as this will only add to your expenses in the long run. If you buy branded products they will last longer and give high performance. Buying branded tyres will also give you longer factory warranties so you can get replacements within the warranty period, if the need arises.
A majority of online stores provide from reasonable to heavy discounts on tyre purchases. But don’t just look for the highest discounts. Ensure that they provide the best products along with specifications you require and valid warranties. The type of tyre also makes a difference on performance depending on where you drive. For instance, for well-maintained urban roads, tubeless tyres are the ultimate choice.
If you live in snow-bound areas, you might need special tyres in contrast to the all season tyres that most people generally buy. Also remember that although you buy your tyre online, some online stores may charge you shipping or delivery fees, and you will also have to pay the mechanic to install the tyres unless you can do it yourself.
Tyre installation
After buying tyres online, you need to think about installing it correctly. If you do not have much knowledge about tyre installation, hire an expert to get the work done. A mechanic will not only do a good job, but will also ensure that the balancing of the wheels is done well. It is also advisable to change all four tyres at the same time. But if you have budget restraints, you can consider changing two at a time. Make sure that both the new tyres are installed either at the front or at the back of the car.
At Value Tyres we not only sell tyres online but also organise for them to be fitted to your vehicle at a local fitting centre.