Car glass can be lethal. It can only take a small impact for a car window to break, potentially harming the passengers or any passers by.
While standard car glass does have built-in anti shattering, as well as other safety features, it could be in your interest to install impact resistant glass-polymer windows.
Impact resistant glass-polymer is engineered to withstand very high levels of physical attack. It is designed to protect VIPs and high value commercial/ retail, security doors so it is bullet and fire resistant as standard. As a result, this highly engineered glass is one of the best ways to keep your car secure, and give you an unprecedented level of protection.
Windows of this specification have many other advantages, not least the fact it can save the owner money. Accidents that would break standard windows are protected against with the use of glass-polymer, circumventing the need to replace the windows and saving you money as a result.